February 20, 2023
If you’re reading this blog, you’re most likely in the industry and have some familiarity with inbound marketing. But we’re guessing since you’re now reading the first few sentences of a paragraph entitled, “What is inbound marketing?” that you’re hoping for a better understanding of it.
Lucky for you– we’re here to give you a comprehensive breakdown of what inbound marketing means, how it works, and how you can use it to your advantage.
What is inbound marketing and why is it important?
Inbound marketing is a methodology all about serving content to those genuinely interested in it on a silver platter. And not making them reach up in the cupboards for that platter, but handing it right to them. And most certainly don't serve content atop said platter about subjects they aren’t interested in, wasting both their time and your efforts. If they want turkey, don’t give them cranberries.
With inbound marketing, customers feel a sense of connection as they’re being offered content to test, experience, or purchase items that they actually want, from widespread to niche. If you’re a fisherman, you want products to assist your next catch– the largest bass east of the Mississippi. If you’re an NFL fan, you deserve Josh Allen gear splashed across your screen. And if you’re a librarian who loves baking pastries, the color blue, and heavy metal shows– you’ll appreciate the content coming your way in the form of periwinkle dessert cookbooks with forwards by Black Sabbath.
Valuable, curated content tailored to your audience is the name of the game and will typically get you the best results.
What is the inbound marketing strategy?
To understand inbound marketing strategy, one must first understand the three sectors that make it up. Ready, grasshopper?
- PPC– Pay-per-click advertising is an inbound tool relying on the use of keywords in which a fee is paid by the advertiser every time a user clicks on their ad
- SEO– Search engine optimization aims to generate more traffic by ranking higher in search results
- Good, quality content
Okay, now you’re ready for the coveted strategy. Attract. Engage. Delight. (Repeat). As cheesy as it may sound, this is the perfect formula that Inbound Marketing Strategy is comprised of. But how does one do so?=
- Attract. First, you must attract your audience. We mentioned a fisherman analogy before– this would be the “hook” part of “hook, line, and sink.” Cultivate curated content that’s sure to catch their eye.
- Engage. Next is the engagement stage, where you must talk to your consumers rather than at them. (This is a good tip for life in general). Create a safe space where they’re comfortable sending inquiries and engaging in a potential lifelong relationship.
- Delight. They’re hooked, they’re lined, now sink ‘em with a remarkable product or service.
- Repeat. And repeat, and repeat.
What can be solved by inbound marketing?
Problems- we’ve all got ‘em. But inbound marketing can help solve some of your company ones like:
- Raising brand awareness and driving traffic to your site
- Increasing customers into your physical stores when applicable
- Retaining your existing customers while generating nurture leads
- Generating and increasing sales or valuable conversions of any kinds
So then, what exactly is outbound marketing?
The complete opposite of inbound, outbound marketing pushes ideas, messages, and products on customers who never inquired. Think cold calls, billboards, unsolicited emails, tv, radio, billboards, and print ads. Unsolicited, unrequested, and typically not pertaining to you by a company that you didn’t seek out.
When you’re driving down the road and hear an ad for an international cruise but you don’t have a passport, or you see a billboard for furniture but you live in a van and have no need– two prime examples of outbound marketing. Outbound marketing often interrupts and annoys an audience with products or services that they simply don’t want, both bombarding and overwhelming them.
Now you have a comprehensive understanding of inbound marketing, but you still may need a little more assistance from our side of things. Contact us today for help!